Saturday, March 7, 2009

His Love is Deep

taken with my Polaroid Land Camera... my favorite toy.

  I wish I could truly explain the love I have for God's creation. I can try but you will never fully understand.  As I conquered  the fuzzy caterpillar ridden plateau this morning, I realized again how blessed I am to be young and healthy and able to hike and run and just breathe in beauty.  I think of my sister and the health issues she's facing and I wonder, how could I ever take for granted the gifts God has given me? How could I ever sell short the desires God has planted within my heart? This world is so corrupt.  Outward beauty trips up the soul and we forget about what lies inside. We cultivate and manicure the outside, but on the inside a continuous emptiness abides. Adoption of the norm often goes unnoticed. The world is gray. I look at my reflection in the mirror and realize time is passing and passing quickly.  I have many passions in this life. I'll be the first to tell you that I am not skilled. I am not beautiful. I am not perfect. I fall quite short of what this world calls "successful."  But, I've felt and feel the presence of God and I wouldn't trade that fulfillment for anything this world has to offer.  When I think of God's glory, I think of kids.  I remember sitting amongst at least a hundred in Vacation Bible School in Big Bear (outdoor amphitheater), closing my eyes, and feeling tears fall listening to them sing to God.  No wonder God wants us to approach him like a little child.  As I ran this morning, I cried to God.  Why is there so much deception in this life?  Why can't we all just shut up and listen?  Turn off your ipod...close your mac...get off facebook...and listen.  We are so angry when we are not heard...we fret because God doesn't speak.  Just stop and listen. Then you will know.

"His love is deeper than my view of grace, higher than this worldly place, longer than this road I travel, wider than the gap He fills"  

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